Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wait, who's a ninja now?

As the only method of video capture that is currently in my apartment is a very shoddy webcam (it works well enough for person-to-person conversations in Windows Live Messenger, but it is not built well for photographs and footage), it may be a while before the first true episode of The Corporate Ninja appears.

What exactly is The Corporate Ninja? A nickname amongst friends and co-workers of mine is "Ninja", or some variation thereof, due to my practicing of ninjutsu and fondness of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. When a co-worker, Elman, was giving out e-mail addresses to a domain he owned that was related to an inside joke here in the office, I decided to take the name "corporateninja@....."

Months later, when Elman was out of the office, some other co-workers decided to use the webcam in his iMac to film a short skit show titled "The Elman Show", as the videos were left on his desktop and they addressed him directly within the video.

At one point, I had brought my ninja hood to work and decided to film an episode as The Corporate Ninja. This video is one of the two available on Youtube, which you can see below:

The video was moderately popular on Youtube (three months or so old and over 300 hits at this point... not exactly viral, but better than I expected). One of my co-workers suggested I create a Corporate Ninja spin-off.

I later voiced The Corporate Ninja in a short cartoon my brother made, which is in the process of being posted on Youtube. I began to realize that there might be something to this character after all.

The Corporate Ninja format has yet to be truly decided; maybe a video log with a healthy dosing of humour. Although I am not directly basing any of the show on the very popular "Ask a Ninja" series, there is no doubt that it will in some way influence the show, as I am a huge fan of said series (I in fact recently purchased the Ask A Ninja DVD).

So there you have it; the history of The Corporate Ninja. Are there any comments ye have on said topic? Any suggestions for the show? Do not hesitate to let me know!

~The S

1 comment:

Vivi LeTigre said...

corporate ninja should so go around wreaking minor havoc in the office place like hiding spoons and emptying staplers.

Good luck and happy stealthing corporate ninja.
